Boat Rides and Rewards:
We’re helping solve the pollution problem, the global warming problem, the fisheries by-catch problem, AND we’re making fish more affordable for everyone! How are we doing that?
We’re running a crowdfunding campaign to build Splash, a 37-foot long sailing work boat designed for commercial fishing in Hawaii. She is the first of a series of sailing fishing boats that don’t pollute, don’t use oil resources, don’t create global warming (they’re actually carbon-negative), don’t create ANY bycatch, and will reduce the cost to catch fish by more than 80%.
How do we do that? Eliminate the fisherman’s dependence on the oil companies, and the huge amount of money he spends on fuel. We’ll give him the wind instead; because it’s FREE!
What’s Splash? Check out the video, sketches, and CAD drawings on this webpage for a fuller understanding.
We could build Splash with just our family resources. But because we’re not rich, it could easily take us a year to three years to save the funds we need, and another year to build her. With your help, we’ll start building her next week. You can help out for as little as $1/month!
And here’s the best part: instead of just asking you for money, we’re offering you the chance to join our Splash Community, help shape the future of the world, and get awesome rewards!
Check the links in blue further down this page to see what exotic, once-in-a-lifetime boat experiences and other rewards you can sign up for, become part of this peaceful blue-green revolution, and help us fund Splash at the same time.
Splash will look like this:
And she’ll sail like this:
Our funding campaign has two goals:
The first is to build Splash sooner rather than later. Making fish affordable, conserving oil resources and ocean resources, and decreasing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions all at the same time will make a big difference in the world we live in, and we’d rather not put that off.
The second is to involve the community and educate them about sailing work boats, the beauty and majesty of the ocean, conservation of oil and ocean resources, and why it’s important to wean ourselves off our addiction to Big Oil. This is why we’re really doing this.
Regardless of what anyone thinks about how sustainable our oil resources are, and how long they will last, no one likes breathing diesel exhaust more than necessary. That’s the bottom line; we’re polluting our planet and don’t need to.
Ocean liners have lifeboats, yeah? Do they use them every time they make a passage? No. Should they always be in tiptop shape and ready to go if they ever DO need to use them? You bet!
Just like the ocean liner in the fog, we don’t know when we will need sailing work boats: will we need them in a few hours when we hit that invisible iceberg, or will they stay in the lifeboat davits for the next six years? No one knows. Because of this uncertainty, we feel the world is not only ready for, but also in desperate need of this energy-efficient sailing work boat technology.